A Skilled Child Law Solicitor
Lorna deals with all aspects of family law, but specifically child matters, including:
- Contact and Residence Disputes
- Specific Issue Orders
- Relocation of Children
- Child Abduction Cases Under the Hague Convention
- Child Protection Orders
- Children’s Hearings
- Social Work Referrals
A Knowledgeable Litigator
She is an experienced solicitor and regularly appears in the civil courts throughout Scotland. Her representation of clients extends to regulatory law, in representing those in the nursing and care professions who face conduct hearings before the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Scottish Social Services Council. In addition, Lorna represents clients during:
- Children’s Hearings
- Mental Health Tribunals
- Education Appeal Tribunals
- Parole Board Hearings
- Life Prisoner Tribunals
- Fatal Accident Inquiries
Hard Working, Client-Focussed, and Fearless in Representation
Lorna will work tirelessly for her clients and has experience in obtaining protective orders such as interdicts, non-harassment, and exclusion orders. She has a keen interest in human rights, is meticulous in her preparation, and is always on the lookout to identify a potential convention rights challenge.
Lorna can be contacted by email at lorna@mcintoshmccann.com or by telephone on
0141 212 2222